I spent too much money this past week/weekend.
GeoGirl came home for the weekend, and much partying ensued. I don't think one night was spent at home.
Now, I normally hate going bowling, and Ice will get mad at me, but I went this weekend. Though I can't remember the day. I didn't bowl though, I just consumed mass quantities of beer. I think that night we hit up The Breakfast Club. An 80's themed club in Old Bridge which consists of little more than a mediocre bar and an open area for which to dance upon. I think I could have a kick ass club if I rented a busted down shack, painted everything black, dropped in huge speakers hooked up to a laptop with winamp or something and threw in some kegs.
It was fun there... drinks were too expensive though and the lady selection wasn't that interesting. Rey wasn't allowed in because he didn't have sleves on his shirt. So I guess the place has some standards. Though he didn't mind. He lives 2 minutes from it.
Oh, btw, I don't know what I'm doing on the dance floor, but I don't mind standing out there bopping around for a bit. Otherwise the woman yells at me. To be honest, she'll yell at me either way, cause that's what she does.
Saturday dakotah, root and meagan went to Jenks. The gents were invited, but they were too busy loosing money to each other to want to party with hot chicks. So freaking packed. I think NJ has the largest population of New Yorkers outside of NY.... and they are very unwanted. The place was filled with hundreds of goombas with goku hair and popped up collars. I've never seen such a large group of people look so dumb, yet think they look so awesome.
We danced for an hour, but it was too crowded to continue. We stook outside overlooking the ocean for a little bit having some drinks for the rest of our time there. Hit up a diner afterwards somewhere near Colts Neck. Good burger! Then we went home.
Sunday I went home to relax. Did my laundry. IceInferno was generous enough to take me and his woman out to dinner. Good burger! I need to eat things other than burgers.
Leveled up Ion Beam to 13 last night. Fired up some counter-strike for abit. After playing CoH for the past couple months pretty exclusively, I have to say it was good to grab the m4, creep around a corner and blast away a few T's. I did better than I thought, but the servers are different than they used to be. The kids are still getting younger of course, which in turn means I am getting older.
In one month and 11 days I hit the quarter-century mark. Damn I'm getting old.
Monday, July 11, 2005
I am poor.
Posted by
2:16 PM
Friday, July 01, 2005
Oh Noes!!
Supreme Court Justice O'Connor is retiring. The end is now nearer.
Bush is gonna shove in his bible bearing buddies and you can say good by to abortion, gay marriage and anything else bush doesn't like... like freedom.
I doubt the democrats will have the organization and power to stop bush from steam rolling in whomever he wants. He said he'll get somebody in before October.
Rhenquist is likely to leave soon too. BOO! I was hoping these peeps would hold on for another few years so the next president would get to pick, but I understand their reasons for leaving. Both are going through tough personal matters.
Fare ye well O'Connor, Rhenquist and freedom.
Posted by
12:38 PM