MC Frontalot rocks!
... ehem...
As mentioned earlier, I caught the Frontalot show at Crash Mansion in NYC.
The performance was tight... with multiple capitals and other assorted exclamations.
Nerdcore Hiphop Could Reign Supreme!
It was most of the usual crew but drummer, The Categorical Imperative, was missing and in his place sat Venom. Still, the sound was dead on. The rhymes were flawless, and the witty stage banter was exquisite. Gminor7 (Gm7), pwned his keyboard and assorted equipment many times over with his solid mastery of musical might, and his singing added that extra bit of polish to the show. Black Lotus, was a bass bashing behemoth of brobdingnagian proportions! The sounds generated by BL were far beyond anything that any bass has ever produced evar... EVAR! A few new songs of the new album, Nerdcore Rising, were performed. A few of the classics were thrown in. It's a shame the crowd wasn't as large as it usually is for the Front... alot of people missed a great show.
My only problem was with Crash Mansion itself. The downsized the drink size and made naught a change to the prices. Although, I only drank beer there, my homie companion was shafted. Even with that, the place is awesome inside, and the door guy had an awesome british accent.
After the show I obtained, for myself, one (1) signed copy of the aforementioned album which quickly made it's shiny spinning way into my cars CD player. I rocked that out all the way to Union City and then to New Brunswick. The old songs are masterfully remade and the new songs are killer. I think my favorite new bit of ear candy is the beat on "This Old Man". The collaboration on the title track, Nerdcore Rising, with Jesse Dangerously and MC Hawking was awesome. A little mc chris would've made it a nerdcore bonanza!
If you haven't heard the new songs, the buy the album. If you are a VSP, you can get some of the new material on the boards.
If you like music for being music, you'll love this album. If you enjoy witty words being weaved in wonderful ways, you'll love this album far more than you enjoyed my pathetic attempt at alliteration. If you love hiphop, you'll love this album.... even if you aren't into comps and tech.
Go buy it at amazon.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
define: Nerdcore
Posted by
9:11 AM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Conversations With
I recently had the joy of finding this little nugget of internet fun:
I felt obligated as a good internet citizen to engage in conversation with whomever was behind this situation.
The following hiliarity ensued...
Your class action lawsuit has to be one of the most terrifying acts against the internet that I have seen.
The blatant disreguard for first amendment rights is chilling.
First off, Wikipedia is a site that claims no authority of fact over any topic and they make it clear that what you find may not be factual.
Anybody can change/modify/edit a Wikipedia entry. So the 4 months of hard work and anguish, that you mention on your site, that was suffered by John Seigenthaler could've been fixed by 5 minutes of editing the entry.
Maybe you are unware that the internet is full of false information and that it is not a trusted source of information.
I find it scary how close your agenda falls inline with that of the Iranian president and also that of Fidel Castro who think the internet needs to be censored because it contains too much information that they claim is false because it disagrees with them or is defamatory towards them.
To be honest, I had no idea who this John Seigenthaler person was until his story about being "attacked" by Wikipedia. Glad to see that I wasn't missing out on anything important.
I hope for the quick demise of your lawsuit so that the internet can continue to be what it always has been.
A bastion of free speech.
Good Day Sir.
You do not understand the principals at work here, so perhaps, it is
best for you to sit this one out on the side.
Why must I become involved in your website? If there is offending or
inaccurate content, about me, my business or family, why should I be
required to become a user and edit the content?
I am interested to learn why you thought I would be interested in your
First a correction, I think you mean "principles" and not "principals".
On the contrary, I think I understand the principles quite well.
If you are a figure of public interest then you are already part of general information. As hard as I searched, I could not find myself in Wikipedia. If Mr. Seigenthaler wished not to be in the public eye, then I would recommend a career outside of the media.
Should we not discuss public figures on the internet unless we can be sure 100 percent that what we say is factually accurate? That would be ridiculous. That's not even a requirement of what we see on television or read in news papers.
I can't help but find one thing ironic. Mr. Seigenthaler is a journalist who himself reports information that may or may not be accurate, yet becomes enraged when he finds inaccurate information about himself. Although, this isn't strictly about him. His publicity and fame is just the snowball that started this avalanche of garbage.
I can't help by find myself amused by your last comment:
"I am interested to learn why you thought I would be interested in your comments."
Let me provide some more information to in addition to it's raw comedic content. I found your website though some of the internet news sources that would be destroyed if you lawsuit were to proceed. Also, I found it important enough to state my opinion. Such is your freedom to ignore my comments as you like, but you reading them was showing your interest.
Again, Good Day Sir.
After some research it turns out that the site is run by a Mr. Greg Lloyd Smith whom has a sordid history.
Posted by
9:07 AM
Monday, December 12, 2005
MC Frontalot Live!
Saturday Dec 17th
Crash Mansion
199 Bowery @ Spring
New York City
21+, ten bucks
Be there or be... not there.
He always puts on a good show and Crash Mansion is a really really nice looking place on the inside.
Drinks there are usually on the high side in quality and price.
I'll be there with the usual crew hopefully.
Posted by
1:47 PM